Angadi World Technologies Pvt Ltd

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

We're adding modern AI into the hands of businesses- so they can do new, awesome things!

One of the leading AI companies in Bangalore!

UI / UX Design
Software Development
QA & Testing

Artificial Intelligence

AI is the border concept of machines being able to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence.

Machine Learning

Human-like understanding of your website & marketing! ML is a technique of teaching machines to learn from data and make predictions.

Advantage of AI&ML

ML is mainly concerned about accuracy and patterns. AI and ML are used to analyze medical images, predict patient outcomes, and assist with diagnosis. We bring software to life!

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Algorithms and the development of a strong AI and machine learning infrastructure.

Assessment of a company’s performance in order to evaluate its return on investment (ROI).

Increase the efficacy of policy management, risk mitigation, and compliance controls.

To construct a good business case, it is necessary to outline all of the possible dangers, problems, and results.

Insights gained via the use of a wide range of data sources, including mining, analysis, and integration

Customized model deployment and secure cloud computing integration.

Area of Expertise


Cloud ML




Satisfied Customers


Projects completed

Frequently Asked Questions

AI and ML are used in automation, data analysis, and decision-making in various industries such as finance, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and retail.

Some popular tools and technologies that we use for implementing AI and ML include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and sci-kit-learn for programming and building models, and cloud platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure for deployment and scaling.

Our ethical considerations include issues such as privacy, bias, transparency, accountability, and fairness. It’s important for companies to develop a strategy for addressing these issues and to ensure compliance with any relevant laws and regulations.

We maintain and update AI and ML models for the ongoing process which is crucial for ensuring the models continue to perform well and deliver value to the business. This can be achieved by implementing a process for monitoring the performance of the models, identifying areas for improvement, and updating the models as necessary.

We ensure the quality of the data used for AI and ML models is crucial for the performance and check the accuracy of the models. This can be achieved by using a combination of techniques such as data cleaning, data pre-processing, data visualization, and data validation. It’s always important to have a process in place for monitoring and maintaining the data quality over time.

Our team ensures that the security of AI and ML models is important to protect against data breaches, unauthorized access, and misuse of the models. This can be done by implementing security measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. It’s also important to have a process in place for monitoring and responding to security incidents.

Yes, AI and ML can be used to create new products and services by providing insights and predictions that can inform the development of new products and services, and by automating the creation process. Additionally, we use AI-powered tools which help in designing and optimizing products, and ML-powered models are used to personalize products and services for individual customers.

Our company stays up to date with the latest developments in AI and ML by attending industry conferences, participating in online communities, following leading researchers and organizations in the field, and staying informed about the latest developments and trends in the field. Besides this we invest in continuous training and education for employees can help ensure that the company stays current on the latest developments.

Yes, AI and ML will be used to improve customer service by providing automated assistance through chatbots, natural language processing to understand customer queries and provide accurate responses, and sentiment analysis to understand the customer’s tone and emotions. Additionally, ML can be used to analyze customer data and provide insights that can help improve overall customer service.

We make sure that AI and ML models are transparent and understandable as it is important for gaining the trust of stakeholders and for making sure that the models are aligned with business goals and ethical considerations. We as a team achieve this by providing clear and detailed documentation of the model development process, including the data used, the algorithms employed and the evaluation metrics used.